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Employee Engagement and Customer Retention Programs

Programs tailored to your budget and organizational readiness.

The Dunvegan Group’s unique programs focus your organization on employee engagement and customer retention.
The features of our Customer Care & Retention™ (CCR™) Program, and our Employee Care and Retention™ (ECR™) Program, are displayed below so that you can easily see how the programs align and how they differ.
Our experts will help you decide which program features best fit your budget and your team’s readiness for execution. Because employee engagement is essential to creating a customer centric culture and improved customer retention, we recommend our Employee Care and Retention™ (ECR™) Program as the first step.
Experience shows that you will achieve a return on your investment in our employee engagement and customer retention programs. The return will be at least 2:1 – which makes the work self-funding.

Contact us today and start a conversation.

The CCR™ Programs are outlined in more detail here; and the Employee Care and Retention™ Program is described in more detail here.

Estimated Participation Rate



Data Collection Method On-line

     Prepare Employees

The Platinum Rule® Self-Assessment

Platinum Rule® Training

Leadership Interviews

Customer-facing Employee Interviews

CCR™ Tools Training

     Priority Action Reports™

Priority Actions for Each Contact

Urgency of Action

Business Retention Index™

Employee Retention Index™

Business Essentials Index™

Employee Engagement  Index™

Service Delivery Index™

Problem Experience Profile™

Customer Advocacy Zone™

Employee Advocacy Zone™

What Customers Value Most

What Customers Want Changed/Improved

Customer Pain Points

     Action Plan Tracker™

    Summary Report