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Customer Satisfaction Tools

Customer Retention Metrics.

The Dunvegan Group’s customer satisfaction tools for customer retention and employee retention consist of multiple components. We use our own software, reporting systems and proprietary customer retention metrics for analyzing customer feedback. We bring the voice of your customer to life and show you the actions necessary to keep your customers.

Customer Care & Retention™ Tools

The Business Retention Index™

The Business Retention Index™ (BRI™) is our proprietary measure of the strength of the bond between a customer and the company that serves them. This is our premier customer satisfaction tool and it strongly correlates with actual retention/renewal behavior.

The BRI™ evolved over two decades of customer satisfaction and retention research and direct application to client projects; it is an early warning indicator of customer defection that provides the foundation for intervention and rescue of the customer relationship.

The BRI™ differs from many other Key Performance Indicators of customer satisfaction/retention because it measures:

  • Multiple facets of the relationship between a customer and the company that serves them
  • What the customer will do rather than how they feel (i.e., their retention/defection behavior rather than satisfaction level with a company)
  • Your company’s perceived performance relative to the competition
  • Consistency of customer perceptions (in this respect the BRI™ is unique among Key Performance Indicators)

The BRI™ ‘looks’ different from other measures because it is reported as a letter rating with a subscript (Key Performance Indicators are usually reported as a number). It is the platinum indicator for predicting customer retention because it reveals what your customer “will do about” their perceptions of and feelings towards your business.

The Business Essentials Index™

The Dunvegan Group has identified a set of seven service aspects that are common to all Business-to-Business relationships; these aspects consistently emerged across industries, size of business and range of services. For this reason, we have named them “Business Essentials” and the Business Essentials Index™ is a critical indicator of how well your company is delivering against these customer expectations.

The Service Delivery Index™

The Service Delivery Index™ (SDI™) is specifically created for your company to reflect customer expectations of companies in your sector. We measure only those service areas where you are both willing and able to adapt to customer expectations. These may be areas that you consider fundamental to the products and services your company offers as well as aspects that specifically differentiate your company from your competitors.

Problem Experience Profile™

Service failures occur, customers experience problems and annoyances in the way your company serves them. And, when handled gracefully, service failures are opportunities for your company to strengthen the bond with your customers. The Problem Experience Profile™ reveals where customers are experiencing problems or difficulties in doing business with you, how serious they consider these issues to be, and how well your team does at resolving issues.

Customer Advocacy Zone™

When your customers are asked to recommend a company in your category, what will they say? Will they recommend you and encourage others to do business with you? Or will they discourage others from dealing with you? And, if they will discourage others from doing business with you, what will they say about your company? And, what keeps them bound to you?

This basket of tools helps to define clear actions to enhance your likelihood of retaining and growing your existing customers!

Employee Care & Retention™ Tools

The Employee Retention Index™

The Employee Retention Index™ (ERI™) is our proprietary measure of the strength of the bond between an employee and the company they work for.

Similar to the BRI™, this measure goes beyond employee satisfaction and reflects what action your employee is likely to take (e.g., staying with your company or moving somewhere else).

The Employee Engagement Index™

The Employee Engagement Index™ is based on twelve aspects of employee work experience. This measure identifies areas where your organization excels as well as areas for enriching the employee experience to tighten the bond with your company.

Problem Experience Profile™

As with customers, service failures occur when it comes to your employees. The Problem Experience Profile™ reveals where employees are experiencing problems or difficulties in the workplace, how serious they consider these issues to be, and how well your organization does at resolving such issues.

Employee Advocacy Zone™

When your employees are asked to recommend a company as a potential employer, what will they say? Will they recommend you and encourage others to join your team? Or will they discourage others from working for your company? And, if they will discourage others from working for you, what will they say about your company? And, what keeps them bound to you?

This basket of tools helps to define clear actions to enhance your likelihood of retaining your existing employees!