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Dunvegan Resources

Practical, evidence-based information to support decision-making.


The resources in the Dunvegan Knowledge Center will help you learn how to find, keep, grow and win back ideal customers, and employees. We share the best practices we use in B2B customer retention consulting and employee retention consulting.

The Books

Anne Miner, MBA, and Olev Wain, PhD have both authored books providing valuable insight into the purpose, process, protocol and metrics for measuring feedback to build strong, competitor-resistant relationships with customers and employees.

Get your complimentary copies of our customer customer care and retention books.

Dunvegan Blog

We cover thought-provoking topics in the B2B world about customer/employee satisfaction, customer/employee experience and customer/employee retention from our unique perspective as industry leaders and practitioners.

Read the Dunvegan blog.

Dunvegan Podcasts

In the Dunvegan Podcasts, Anne Miner reflects on the role and importance of customer retention within your B2B strategy and in your overall corporate goals.

Listen to the  Dunvegan podcasts.