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Customer Care Rules

You already know that a “one size fits all” approach to customer care is unlikely to succeed in building strong relationships with all of your customers – right?

And, you know that applying the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated” does not work for everyone.

So, what’s to be done?

The Platinum Rule®, “Treat others the way they would like to be treated” is much more likely to result in success, not only with customers but with everyone!

But, how will you know how to treat them?

Observe their behavior and adapt to it.

For example, if they speak quickly – you speak quickly. If they speak at a more moderate pace, you do the same.

And, if they begin every sentence with “I”, you need to acknowledge and compliment them. So, begin each sentence with “You”.

Do they make decisions quickly? Once they start nodding, you need to stop talking or run the risk of talking them all the way to “No”.

Are they reluctant to make a quick decision? Respect and acknowledge their need to contemplate and validate before deciding.

Want to learn more about how to apply the Platinum Rule®? Just ask … Contact Anne Miner at 888-281-3074 or by email

The Dunvegan Group works with B2B companies to improve customer retention using The Platinum Rule®, “Treat other people the way they want to be treated.” Learn more about our solution.

Anne Miner founded The Dunvegan Group in 1987 as a full-service marketing research consulting firm. Under her leadership, the company has adapted to changes in the markets, advances in technology, and economic ups and downs. The firm developed its own processes, metrics, and software to support the services it delivers to Business-to-Business corporations, as well as smaller companies, including start-ups. The company serves clients across North America and around the world as they thrive and grow through serving their own customers according to the insights customers provide.