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Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention and Company Vision.

Most company visions are internally focused … for example, “To be the best ____” or “To be the biggest ___”. These visions do not reflect the most vital elements of business success: customer satisfaction and customer retention.

As you build your business, you will soon discover that a good part of your time, energy and money will be consumed “holding your position”. Because, whatever your customer churn level, you must constantly replace lost business BEFORE you can grow.

When you reduce the churn, you:

  • minimize the cost of replacing customers and employees
  • improve employee engagement
  • improve customer and employee advocacy.

Your organization will need a specific vision of customer care in order to  inspire your employees to make the customer your primary focus.

A customer care vision will include your company’s:

  • determination to know your customer – his/her needs, wants and expectations, role in buying decisions, demographics
  • desire to create positive customer experiences and customer satisfaction with the organization’s products and services
  • dedication to building long-term relationships – relationships that will bring the customers back time and time again.

Top leadership must create the vision and spearhead the customer care and customer retention process. And, by “top” leadership, I truly mean the top. For example, most often this leader will have a C-suite title like CEO, COO or CFO.

It is imperative for top leadership to commit to customer care and customer retention as energetically as to bottom line. A distinct vision for customer care is a sound way to show your commitment.

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Anne Miner founded The Dunvegan Group in 1987 as a full-service marketing research consulting firm. Under her leadership, the company has adapted to changes in the markets, advances in technology, and economic ups and downs. The firm developed its own processes, metrics, and software to support the services it delivers to Business-to-Business corporations, as well as smaller companies, including start-ups. The company serves clients across North America and around the world as they thrive and grow through serving their own customers according to the insights customers provide.